Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bread And Weight Loss: Can You Eat It and Still ...

Bread has a bad rep, but bread and weight loss is even worst. Even decades ago, "diet luncheon specials" would actually feature a hamburger-but without the bun. Today, some people hide the complimentary basket of bread the waiter sets down behind the condiments, beyond the reach of temptation.
Even if you are trying to lose weight and you have hectic day, you probably reach a lot for bread to fix something quick like sandwich or toast. Most probably it is a white bread or unhealthy "wheat" version and you end up eating too much of it.
But if you're one of those people who'd rather give up every sweet in the world than give up bread, and still want to lose weight, there's a product that you can still enjoy.
But rest assured: it's not going to be white bread.
Bread and Weight Loss: The Truth About White Bread
White bread, which most Americans have eaten for years, and which has come to symbolize everything plain and common, is bread that's had the life beaten out of it. Literally.
It has very low nutritional value as it is highly process and stripped of all valuable nutrients your body needs. Out of the 18-30 valuable nutrients that are lost, manufacturers by law, only have to replace 5.
And worse, white bread has a high glycemic index (GI). Food with a high GI is food that will make you fat. Why?
Because it spikes your insulin, which is a hormone that stores fat. The spike can't hold and then there's a crash. What's next?
You're hungrier than you were before, you want another high-carb, high-GI snack, even though you're still bloated from the first one. You don't seem to have much energy.
And, of course, you will gain a lot of weight.And it's not just white bread that's the culprit.
99% of all other breads billed as "low-fat" or "wheat" are essentially white bread in disguise. Many so-called wheat breads actually contain little wheat or whole grains, and have been processed for traits that leave them low in nutrition,but with many toxic additives and with a high GI. They are all "bad" carbohydrates that will lead to weight gain.
Bread and Weight Loss: Bread That Offers All the Good Stuff While You're Trying to Lose Weight
If you're going to eat carbs- which provide energy to your brain, nerves and muscles, -you want to choose ones with low GI. These good carbohydrates can actually help you lose weight.
Many fruits and vegetables have low-GI carbohydrates. But there's also a kind of bread that you can eat every day and still lose weight. With right type of nutrients, bread and weight loss is possible...
Bread That Can Actually Help With Weight Loss
Food for Life's Ezekiel 4:9 bread is made from sprouted whole grains. What does sprouted whole grains mean, exactly?
When organic whole grains are grown in a certain way, they begin to sprout due to enzymes: they become a kind of living food. Vitamins and proteins are not only not lost in the process, they are delivered in a much more efficient way to the body.
Ezekiel 4:9 bread has a very low GI and is high in fiber. So instead of going through spiking and plummeting blood sugar levels, your body will absorb vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber better, and protein and fiber are the very things you need to lose weight naturally and quickly.
They give you strength and help you feel full and satisfied, so you won't want that next, bad, high-GI, high-carb treat. With only 80 calories, no saturated fat, and no flour, this is tasty bread you can enjoy and incorporate into all kinds of meals-and still continue to lose weight.

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