Monday, March 4, 2013

A West Hollywood Personal Trainer Shared Some Of The Biggest Pitfalls To Losing Weight

By Patricia Neill

You may be working out for quite a while now and have performed all sorts of things just to lose all those excess fats in your belly, yet you still wound up gaining some weight at the end of the day. A West Hollywood personal trainer who has trained many of the most famous stars in Hollywood has unveiled some of the biggest pitfalls to losing weight. So read on as these pitfalls might just be the reason why you cannot seem to lose those unwanted pounds off.

Free Refills

Are you guilty of picking up some of those chocolate bars that you see at the checkout counter in a grocery store? If you are, then that could be one of the reasons why you are still not shedding off those unwanted fats. A West Hollywood personal trainer has revealed that this is one of the biggest hindrances to his clients' quest to losing weight, so he suggested for them not to go in a grocery store while hungry and to treat themselves with some healthy sweets before they go to the supermarket.

Buying Goods In Bulk

Sometimes, we tend to stock up our fridge with a lot of food and we end up eating them all since we get tempted every time we open the fridge. There is really nothing wrong with stocking up on food and groceries but a West Hollywood personal trainer has advised to split the food into smaller packages and then place them out of your sight. He suggested not stocking the food in the fridge so you will not be tempted to eat them every time you open your fridge.

Chocolate Bars In A Checkout Counter

We all love freebies. Well, who doesn't? But the problem with free refills is that they tend to make us eat and drink more than what we can only consume. So instead of eating just the right amount of food and drink in moderation, we tend to eat and drink as much as we can in an effort to take advantage of these free stuff. A West Hollywood personal trainer has stressed that if you want to avoid gaining weight, you must avoid these freebies no matter how tempting they may seem.

These are only a number of the traps that a lot of dieters have to overcome with regards to slimming down. As you know, we are just humans and we're prone to temptations so no matter how much we yearn to lose weight and avoid eating, it simply seems too difficult to do. If you train with a West Hollywood personal trainer, he will not really deprive you to eat your favorite treats. But he will keep on reminding you to eat them moderately. It's not really a sin to grab a bar of chocolate in the checkout counter. Just make sure that you don't do that each time you visit the grocery store. As for those foods you store in your fridge? Eat them only when you're hungry and not just because they're there for you to eat.

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