Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Healthiest And Quickest Way To Lose Weight Revealed - And It's Not What You Might Think!

Motivation and how to get it:
Many of us are carrying extra weight these days, so when we do decide to get motivated to lose a few pounds, we just want something that works and works and works quickly. After all, if we don't see results in the first week or so, it is easy to lose faith and consequently become less motivated and stop doing "what is required to lose weight". Sound familiar?
Today, I would like to share what I believe is the healthiest, and quickest way to lose weight which definitely works, and will yield results within your first two weeks, so it is very easy to get, and stay motivated and this has absolutely nothing to do with eating "low-fat" this, or "low-fat" that.
In fact, with this method it is preferable to move away from traditional methods which suggest eating "low-fat" foods completely. This is not about cutting out "fats" at all!
That statement goes against what most people would believe to be the "holy Grail" of weight loss, but medical research now confirms that fat is not our problem.
It is Fructose which is "Enemy Number One"!
So what is Fructose, and why is it a problem?
Fructose is found naturally in sugar cane and most fruits, and is actually toxic for us.
Recent medical research has found Fructose to be toxic for us, but apart from being toxic, our digestive system simply can not deal with (metabolize) Fructose in the same way as most other sugar properties and so it bypasses to the liver and is turned straight into fat, and deposited neatly all around our bodies. We all know where most of these deposits tend to settle, and we also know how hard it can be to move once we have gained those unwanted "love handles".
By reducing Fructose to an absolute minimum in our diet, we stumble onto the quickest way to lose weight ever, and it works amazingly well and is 100% supported by doctors and medical research to be better for our overall health.
There is a long, but extremely important video available on my site listed below, which provides detailed medical evidence of what I have stated above, and if you are serious about finding the quickest way to lose weight, but more importantly are the least bit interested in living a healthier life, this video is a must. I urge you to take a look as soon as you can as (without wanting to sound too melodramatic) your health depends on it!
Understanding Fructose:
OK, so we now know Fructose is our "villain" so now we know how to identify where it lurks.
As noted above, it is found naturally in sugar cane, and regardless of how processed or not the resulting sugar from the cane is, sugar is made up of 50% Fructose, and 50% Glucose.
Glucose is fine and what we can call a "good sugar" and the glucose causes us no problems with our digestive system. But given sugar is 50% Fructose, and the average person consumes approximately 60 kilograms (over 100 pounds) of sugar annually, we can start to paint a picture of where our health and weight gain woes are coming from.
Our sugar addiction:
In an effort to understand that for this quickest way to lose weight to work, we need also to kick the addiction we have to sugar.
We don't even realize we have this addiction, until we start to go without our daily sugar fix, and this is probably the hardest part of making this method of weight loss work for you.
Without thinking about it, sugar tends to suppress our signals to the brain to tell us when we have had enough to eat and consequently, we go back for more and more of the sweet "stuff".
I am sure there are times we can all relate to when it seemed impossible to stop eating that chocolate or sweets etc.
This is the addictive nature of sugar, and for our "quickest way to lose weight" to be effective, we need to break this addiction and it needs to be done "cold turkey" style.
I am conscious of the length of this article, so if you are keen to learn more about how you too can experience this natural and healthy way to lose weight, I encourage you to click through to my site below where I go into a lot more detail about what foods to eat and what to avoid.
Rapid weight loss is just a few clicks away so get motivated and good luck
weight loss 
Lose Weight Revealed
Lose Weight 

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