Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cutting Out Alcohol To Lose Weight

An occasional drink is not an issue when you want to lose weight, but if daily alcohol has become a part of your lifestyle then you may have to make an important decision if you want to shed those kilos.

One obvious problem with alcohol is the calories. Drinking is just adding to your daily energy intake. Its just more calories in. Mixed drinks have the added energy of cola or other soft drinks. Wines and beer have a high sugar content.

Another problem is that alcohol dulls the part in the brain which tells you when you have had enough, and as a consequence you will eat more when alcohol is consumed before or with a meal.

This is made worse by combining salty snacks with alcohol. At social functions you can just keep on grazing without any signal to stop. Then they serve the meal! Again more calories consumed.

Alcohol makes you sluggish and tired. When you drink you are less likely to exercise or be active. Therefore the extra calories you have consumed cannot possibly be burnt off. Drinking and excess food takes you further from your weight loss goal.

Alcohol prevents you from getting proper sleep. Alcohol may make you feel tired so that you drop off quickly. But you are likely to wake several times during the night, missing important delta phase repair sleep. Poor sleep is a known contributor to weight gain.

Alcohol consumption causes de-hydration which slows your metabolism by as much as 3%, reducing your ability to burn fat.

So what does alcohol offer you?
Does it help you to relax? Does it dull the stress in your life? Help you cope with the demands placed on you? Understanding why you drink will help you to stop drinking. If you are an alcohol then you need very specific help.

Weight loss hypnosis can easily help you break the emotional bonds you have created with alcohol. In most cases just one session is enough to separate yourself from drinking. All you have to do is want to lose weight and be prepared to quit alcohol and you will be successful.
Hypnosis takes the stress out of quitting alcohol. You will sleep better, you will have more energy, think more clearly and you will burn fat faster and eat fewer calories. Less stress means that your body and mind is much better equipped to release your excess weight for life.

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